Tropicraft Wiki

Volcanoes are huge, steaming, randomly generating structures made of Chunk O' Head in the TropiCraft Mod. It has three phases, inactive, extinct and active. When inactive, the bowl of the top will be empty with some holes connecting to a pool of lava, but there may be one, two, or possibly many lava spouts out the side. Then once it becomes active at random, the bowl fills up with lava and the volcano will overflow. When active, it will fire balls of lava that have a spinning animation, and release a lava source tile on the block it first makes contact with. Thus, while being very destructive, it is a good source of lava and therefore, obsidian. It is hard to tell when it becomes extinct. When it is extinct, it looks like it is inactive but will not ever become active and therefore would make an awesome place to build a house by.


  • The volcano's fireballs can place lava up to 200 blocks away.
  • While inactive, Easter Island Heads have a chance to spawn in the bowl. Once the volcano becomes active, they will continuously burn without dying.
  • The Chunk O' Head and lava go all the way down to bedrock.
  • There is an odd block at the core (the final layer) of the volcano titled "Volcano Helper". It is impossible to break or obtain unless "Pick block" is used in Creative Mode because it is as strong as bedrock. It is textured like bedrock.
  • Active volcanoes can go an hour or more between eruptions, though they can happen more frequently.